Sabtu, 03 November 2012

taken from thumbelina's story.

Lullaby and goodnight,
Dream your dreams; make them bright.
Come tomorrow, they'll have flown.
Where the wishing tree is known―

Gold of branch, leaf, and limb,
Diamond dewdrops set in.
Where all dreams come to rest.
Now, to sleep.
Dream your best.

Lullaby, and goodnight,
Dream your dreams; make them bright.
Come tomorrow, they'll have flown.
Where the wishing tree is known―

But, for now, stay a spell.
Make a wish. Who can tell?
Nothing's bad as it seems.
In a world made of dreams.

Lullaby and goodnight,
Dream your dreams; make them bright.
Come tomorrow, they'll have flown.
Where the wishing tree is known―

Over field, brook, and vale,
Where the sweet nightingale.
Sings a prayer to the night.
Dream your dreams; you're all right.

Lullaby and goodnight,
Dream your dreams; make them bright.
Come tomorrow, they'll have flown.
Where the wishing tree is known―

Gold of branch, leaf, and limb,
Diamond dewdrops set in.
Where our dreams never die.
Dreams come true, by and by.


Halo, hari ini mainnya sama laporan lagi lho, malam minggu lho. Laporan, laporan, dan laporan di dua hari terakhir dan tiga hari pertama dalam seminggu. Keren yah. Super sekali. Belum lagi Ulangan Tengah Semester yang berfusi dengan tugas dan presentasi (juga laporan) jadi Supernova, siap meledak. [?]

Eh, mau baca Mark of Athena kapan kelaaaaarnya ini minggu super hectic. T____T

Mau cerita tentang playlist aja deh. Lagi dengerin apa aja minggu ini ya?

Oiya, Honey and the Bee dari Owl City. Line yang paling sedap itu...

We were two peas in a pod; until you suddenly bloomed. 
Then, I knew; that I’d always love you.
Rasanya gimanaaa gitu, tiba-tiba jadi pengen nulis fanfic gitu ya, asik kali quote-in dari lagu ini. Hoho.

Dan, The Real World dari Owl City. Yang liriknya beyond imagination banget.

And to the velvet climbing ivy; painted all mahogany.
Ponderosa canopy.

Lagu lain, Puff the Magic Dragon dari Kyuhyun. 

Itu.. kayak baca dongeng, klop banget sambil ngerjain laporan praktikum fisika dasar akhir (salah fokus). Mau denger yang versi aslinya ah kapan-kapan. Dari yang awalnya ceria-ceria hingga Puff-nya jadi galau.
Puff, the magic dragon; lived by the sea.
And frolicked in the autumn mist; in a land called Honah Lee.
Sampai yang,
One grey night it happens; Jackie Paper came no more.
And Puff that mighty dragon; he ceased his fearless roar.
His head was bent in sorrow; green scales fell like rain.
Puff no longer went to play; along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friends; Puff could not be brave.
So Puff that mighty dragon; sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!

Dan lagunya G-Dragon yang That XX. 

Dan, G-Dragon itu ganteng. (salah fokus lagi)

Ya, yaudah lah ya (ini trademark-nya Dewi yang sekarang udah mem-formica rufa). Udahan dulu. Ada yang menjerit-jerit minta dikerjain di tab sebelah kanan.

Happy November! Wish happiness surrounds everyone, near or far away from me. :)