Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

delapan belas.

"The age of 18, we fall in love easily and worry too much about little things. The age of 18, the adults usually say at our age, we laugh at the simplest things. But at that time, we were serious. It was intense and harder that other adults.”

"Go-Stop. You have to get a pair of the same card to earn points. Once, we tried to be pair too. But one day, we started to change. Becoming different people, why was it so hard to admit it? Everyone is different. That’s the way of the world. The way of growing up. The age of 18, we were growing up, and therefore changing from each other. And the same time, we had to confront another growing pain, that of accepting others.

"A secret refers to something I don’t know about others. As I find out what I’ve believed isn’t the truth, secrets become even more secretive. The human mind is infinite. Neither it’s depth nor it’s end can be known. Some days, they fight to the death. Other days, they share their love for each other. Yes, the truth is inconvenient. But if we don’t accept that, we have to live with lies. We have to accept inconvenient truths. What we see is not all we know."

Life comes and attacks you when you least expect it. It might be sadness, or extreme fear. At that moment, what can we do is accept reality and admit we lost. We don’t know how life will turn out. There is no way we can avoid it. We just have to face it, and get hurt once in a while. But life sometimes thrills us with unexpected events. And gives us happiness when we overcome hardships. We never know how life will turn out. So we use all our sense to survive it.”

"Your future dream is about what you can do for a living. You’re about to grow up, but if you have empty dreams, who will take care of you? That’s why you have to be satisfied with the easiest dream. It hurts if you aim for a dream you can’t reach. Unsatisfied passion.. it’s quite painful. That’s why unrequited love is foolish. If you meet someone who likes you, it’s painless and it saves time. Let’s find what you can do, not what you want to do. You only live once. People have to be satisfied with an attainable dream. If you're greedy with unattainable dreams, you’ll only get hurt. Empty passion only leaves you with heartburn. That’s why unrequited love is foolish. However, foolish unrequited love can have potential. That passion sometimes causes miracles. And sometimes, dreams come true from a distance. While you may not achieve the dream, getting close gives you the chance to be happy. Of course, that’s very rare. Unrequited love usually ends in failure. But it’s also sad if you’re afraid and you give up before you even try it out. First, do what you want instead of what you can. You only live once."

"People believe that they are born with an invisible red string tied around their little finger. The string is tied to be a person the’re destinied to be with. However, it’s hard finding out who is waiting at the end. If red string of fate really exists, where will mine end?"

"The reason I like you? Because it’s you. Just you. That’s the only reason. I wish I knew. Then I could figure out how to stop liking you. If I can’t avoid it, I only want one thing. To stay as a friend who doesn’t change. For heartache. For love."

"Relationships have levels. Mine with him was one of the easiest. A relationship that was easy to explain and easy to maintain. A casual relationship between old friends. But that day, I realized something. Ours could become one of the hardest. The hardest relationship, that between a man and a woman. Men and women expect different things, face different sides, and dream different dreams. The relationship between a man and a woman is of ever-lasting love and fighting. They get upset and console. They fight and make up. They hurt and they embrace. A relationship as complicated as manic depressive disorder. But the hardest part is, it can’t start if the timing is wrong. A complicated and too sensitive. There is one relationship that’s as difficult yet unavoidable. A relationship that’s tedious but inevitable. A relationship that lasts your entire life. That’s family. The only advantage of the most complicated relationship on earth that between a man and woman. Is that any situation can be reversed with one word. Back together.”

"Being a teenager is a stormy period because we don’t know any answers. We don’t know what we really want, who really loves us, who we really love, we struggle to find the answer. And finally, when we miraculously find the answer, we’ve already become adults and undergo big and small goodbyes."

“Be nice to your parents while you can. Don’t regret it like me. I was too busy getting used to working Seoul. I didn’t come home for over a year. Whenever my parents called, I was so eager to hang up. When they asked about work, I would just get annoyed. All I said was, ‘I don’t know’, ‘I’ll tell you later’, ‘Next time’. And I just hung up. I didn’t even know that my dad was sick. He must have been so curious. Was I eating well? Was I keeping healthy? Were my coworkers nice to me? Were people looking down on me for graduating from community college? He would had a lot of questions. I don’t know why I thought it was so annoying. Do you know what he said before he passed away? He couldn’t even breathe well.. but he told me to go. He said he was fine, so I should go back to work. I should go back to work. He was afraid I would get fired.. He could say that..” :(

"There is no better time than now. That next time may never come. To talk about a next time that may never come when now is right in front of you, life is too short for that. If you give up now because you feel too weak or lazy, there is no hope for a next time. You never know what will happen in the future. Your next chance may never come."

"First love. The reason why we think first love is beautiful is not because people we first loved were actually handsome or pretty. It’s because we were unconditional, innocent, or a bit stupid at the time of first love. And because we know that we can never go back to that young, passionate time of our days. First love is a bit rash. Without any calculation, we throw ourselves with passion and finally come to face failure. But it is at the same time dramatic, it comes with inexplicable feelings that we never get to experience again. So first love becomes the most dramatic moment of our lives. It’s okay to fail. Tragic stories stays longer than ‘happily ever after’. It’s nice to have that wonderful story as one chapter of one’s life. First love is a period of time. It never comes back. If the next loves comes, time has yield for that new love. It might not be as innocent as the first love, but it would be a little more mature, due to the pain suffered the first love. A person who dreams of love, is the one who waits. And a person who waits can recognize the love when it comes near him. After the romance, the real life comes in. Innocence gets dirty, passion gets cold, and youth gets old with cleverness. So first love becomes part of one’s exhausted daily life. That’s why first love looks like it can’t be accomplished. Because no one talks about a successful romance with first loves. Loving someone is a good thing. Thus, it’s okay to be like this. Even though, there isn’t a tragic drama in my life. But there is a familiarity like an old sweater. And if it gets tired, there is an excitement to reopen it. It was passionate and innocent. I miss that moment."

Ini semua sebenarnya adalah bagian narasi dari drama Reply 1997 (Iya yang dikopiin Adhita ke Wayan itu). Tapi ternyata, who affected the most is me. Drama yang berkisah tentang pergulatan hidup seorang remaja hingga ia berubah jadi orang dewasa. Tentang keluarga, persahabatan (most of it), mimpi dan cita-cita, kemudian cinta.

Ya, gue mulai mengumpulkan fragmen-fragmen ingatan tentang dimana gue dipaksa keadaan untuk berubah.

Masa-masa akhir kelas tiga adalah masa-masa sulit buat gue. Untuk memilih apa yang sebetulnya gue butuhkan dan gue inginkan. Untuk menghadapi bahwa gak semua yang gue inginkan bisa dikabulkan oleh waktu dan usaha yang udah gue lakukan. Banyak orang-orang (re: teman-teman) yang hilang dari hidup gue, banyak mimpi-mimpi yang terpaksa gue jadikan prioritas ke-sekian dalam hidup gue.

"Bahwa hidup harus menerima, penerimaan yang indah." Ini quote dari Tere-Liye, di buku yang sampai saat ini belum sempat gue daratkan mata gue pada lembaran-lembarannya. Tapi dengan sadis quote itu nempel di kepala gue.

Let us just start.

Topik 'what I really want'

Masa-masa itu adalah masa-masa dimana gue biasa nangis sendirian di dalam kamar, berjam-jam karena pergulatan batin yang parah. Bahkan sedikit pemicu bisa membuat nangis. Dimana cerita-cerita kecil ke orang lain bisa gue ceritakan dengan mata berkaca-kaca. Gue baru tahu dimana letak kerapuhan gue sesungguhnya. Yaitu ketika dihadapkan pada mimpi-mimpi yang belum bisa gue raih, harus menghadapi judgment dari setiap orang, kemudian yang lain, harus juga memenuhi ekspektasi dari orang lain.

Bahkan di jalan antara Jakarta-Bali, di malam hari di daerah Tuban (sepertinya kalau siang daerahnya indah sekali, jalan raya sebelah kanannya pantai) usai ngopi-ngopi malam, I cry my heart out, di jok mobil paling belakang. Merasa begitu berantakan hingga gue meringkuk dan menangis, entah berapa lama. Beberapa orang tahu penyebabnya apa. Tapi ga ada yang tahu apa penyebabnya yang tepat selain gue.

Konsul dan bercerita sama orang yang gak pernah kenal gue dengan baik (Iya ini bukan gue sekali). Di tengah udara Denpasar yang lagi panas-panasnya, langit Denpasar yang cerah sebiru-birunya langit. Liburan gue tersingkir minggir, ada sesuatu yang lebih penting.

Tapi luka itu sudah lewat, sudah nyaris mengering sekarang.

Kemudian topik 'who I really want'

Bener banget kadang kita terlambat. Terlambat menyadari dan mengerti hati kita sendiri. Di saat gue bener tahu siapa orang-orang yang bersama gue sesungguhnya. Gue sadar bahwa mereka harus pergi, punya dunia dan aktivitas masing-masing (layaknya gue yang punya dunia dan aktivitas gue sendiri). Dan gue harus melambaikan tangan dan mengucap salam perpisahan pada mereka.

Mereka-mereka yang selalu ada dalam kehidupan gue, menyokong gue dari sisi-sisi paling tidak terlihat yang belum gue sadari sebelumnya. Yang (lagi-lagi) gue sadari dalam keadaan terlambat.

Ternyata gue gak sesendiri seperti yang selalu gue pikirkan. Tapi, selalu ada perubahan. Interaksi yang tadinya intens berubah jadi biasa-biasa saja. Teman-teman yang gue punyai, ya, mereka tahu sisi-sisi yang berbeda dari diri gue. Horcrux(es) gue, yang ketika mereka menghilang satu demi satu.. Well, who knows what will happen to me?

Ada yang tahu bagaimana gue dan masalah-masalah gue di masa lampau, atau ada yang tahu apa yang gue hadapi di masa sekarang, ada yang tahu dengan baik bagaimana sifat-sifat gue yang sesungguhnya.

Ya, teman-teman, sahabat-sahabat.. itu kayak Horcrux.. ketika lo making friends to them.. secara ga sadar sebagian diri lo mempengaruhi dia dan dia juga mempengaruhi elo. Ketika ada yang hilang, secara ga sadar lo tahu ada yang berubah dan itu bukan sesuatu yang terasa baik di dalam diri lo.

Lalu, yeah, hidup selalu penuh dengan kejutan

Manusia memang selalu membuat perencanaan. Tapi perencanaan dan perhitungan yang dibuat secara rinci itu kadang meleset di sana-sini. Siapa yang tahu? Karena dari masalah yang ga bisa gue utarakan di sini.. gue belajar yang punya setepat-tepat dan seadil-adilnya perhitungan hanyalah milik Allah.


Pergulatan-pergulatan untuk jadi orang dewasa sesungguhnya itu sakit. Gue juga baca MSS-nya Raditya Dika yang tentang menjadi orang dewasa (kalo gak salah). Hell yea right bahwa tumbuh gigi geraham bungsu aja sakit. Physically, jadi orang dewasa itu (akan membutuhkan) rasa sakit. Gimana yang secara mentally?

"When you fall, you'll know where you stand." Ini gue lupa quote siapa. Yang gue belajar dari pengalaman bergulingan dalam lumpur karena nyaris pingsan pas ngangkat-ngangkat carrier.


"Sometimes when you fall, you'll fly." Dan ini milik Paulo Coelho.

Segala hal tentang kehidupan akan me-metamorfosa-kan lo jadi sesuatu yang baru. Ini tentang proses metamorfosis, kan? Karena semua ulat mau jadi kupu-kupu dahulu sebelum mereka mati, meski fase jadi pupa itu beresiko besar.. dan yah.. kita semua gak tau apa yang sesungguhnya bakal merubah kita jadi orang dewasa sejati. Apa yang hidup berikan sebagai complete package buat kita..


Perenungan ini selesai jam setengah delapan malam, di bawah langit Jakarta yang penuh sesak dengan asap kendaraan. Lebih baik semua luka ditulis, kemudian ia akan mengering, jauh lebih baik dibandingkan membusuk di dalam.

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